
New hope for jobs

Nineteen recommendations have been made by the Buckland Review of Autism Employment to help people with autism find and stay in work. Currently, only three in ten are in work, mainly due to stigma and lack of understanding about the needs of autistic people. The review by Sir Robert Buckland MP, calls for new initiatives […]

Grow and learn

Gardening is therapeutic for those with learning disabilities, says Poppy Fishman. “It’s satisfying to see plants grow and to learn to tend them. Students are very inquisitive,” says Kisharon Langdon’s Horticulture Team Leader who heads the growing project at the vegetable garden at Childs Hill Library. Onions, shallots and garlic which have overwintered in the […]

Award for Neha

“I’m honoured to be nominated,” said Library Manager Neha Dhakar at The Barnet Care Awards 2023/24 ceremony at Hendon Town Hall, where Barnet recognised its best care service staff. Neha won the Activity Organiser Award for her exceptional talent in creating jobs for people of all abilities, broadening their individual learning and development. The jobs […]

Funding worries

A think tank that helps charities, foundations and philanthropists to maximise their social impact, has said that charities are propping up state services by as much as £2.4bn a year. In the report, State of the Sector 2024: Ready for a reset, NPC found that only one quarter of charity contracts have increased in line […]

£2.2m raised and we’re on top of the world

Kisharon Langdon smashed its £2million fundraising target, raising over £2.2m in 36 hours, with money still coming in. This incredible achievement was only made possible by the 5,423 individual donations,173 ambitious champions and dozens of generous matchers who pledged to double every donation during the 36-hour campaign.  Champions stepped up to run fundraising pages on […]

Matched funding campaign: Members bring and buy sale makes £1k

A bring and buy sale at Maccabi House in Edgware, run by Kisharon Langdon members, raised £1k for the matched funding campaign. Stalls were piled high with jewellery, craft items, books, toiletries, paintings, bric-a-brac and confectionery – some donated or hand-made while other items were brought in for sale by visitors. Debbie Rees, Head of […]

Purim – it’s coming soon

Purim started weeks ago at Kisharon Langdon where people we support have been shopping, weighing and packing and learning other key job skills. Thanks to their hard graft, Kisharon Langdon will be selling Purim breakfast mishloach manot containing boxes of cereal, a tea sachet, mini jam, cupcake and orange juice all beautifully wrapped. This will […]

Our 2024 matched funding campaign: Just do it – for us!

“If Kisharon Langdon wasn’t around, the amazing support and the community Gabs lives in would not exist…then what?” says Kisharon Langdon Trustee Paul Joseph. Kisharon Langdon gave Paul’s younger sister Gabs, now 37,  a life of her own from the moment she became a Member at 16.  “Gabs used to sit in our parents’ kitchen and […]

Raise funds for us!

Individuals supported by Kisharon Langdon are reaping the rewards of the merger – a wider range of services for all. It’s still early days and already so much good has been achieved. But these services come at a cost. Since August, Kisharon Langdon has been responsible for 150 adults in supported living, 300 plus children […]

Best place to thaw

Childs Hill Library has become a warm hub for the winter, offering the local community a cosy and welcoming space and reducing the need for costly heating at home.  Whenever the library is open, anyone can come inside for a hot drink or a steaming mug of hot soup. They’ll find companionship, and more, on […]