
Our 2024 matched funding campaign: Just do it – for us!

“If Kisharon Langdon wasn’t around, the amazing support and the community Gabs lives in would not exist…then what?” says Kisharon Langdon Trustee Paul Joseph.

Brotherly love: Adam with Gabs

Kisharon Langdon gave Paul’s younger sister Gabs, now 37,  a life of her own from the moment she became a Member at 16.  “Gabs used to sit in our parents’ kitchen and she’d still be sitting there if it wasn’t for Kisharon Langdon. She works at New Chapters, stars in musicals, goes to Friday night dinners and has friends,” Paul said: “My brother Adam and I were lucky enough to go university and move on.  Kisharon Langdon allowed Gabs to have her own independent life and lets us lead ours.”

The family’s involvement with Kisharon Langdon has made them grateful supporters. Gabs’ father Jonathan was a Trustee and former Kisharon Langdon Chairman, mother Carole became a Kisharon Langdon College governor while Paul and Adam who raise funds at every opportunity, have a joint fundraising page in the MFC this year after Adam’s employer pledged to double every pound they bring in. 

Aliza Kander admits she hates asking for money, and with the current need for funds for Israel, this year isn’t going to be any easier, but that won’t deter her family from becoming MFC Champions.Eitan, 17, pictured above, the Kanders’ second child of four – Tamar is 19, Rafael 14 with 11-year-old Yishai the youngest – is a pupil at Kisharon Kisharon Langdon Noé School.

Eitan in the Kisharon Kisharon Langdon Noé School playground

At Kisharon Kisharon Langdon since the age of four, when he started Tuffkid Nursery, Eitan learns to fix bikes at the Bike Shop, loves horse riding, enjoys lessons outdoors that are part of Forest School and was one of the pupils, accompanied by teachers, on last year’s school trip to Israel. “It was absolutely phenomenal. They were well looked after and Eitan had the best time.” Eitan has another two years at the school – two years to decide what next. “The future is very scary. Eitan is making progress but slowly and we hope he will be able to get some qualifications. Hopefully he will be able to stay within Kisharon Langdon.”

Aliza and husband Martin have taken part in every MFC, and once sat on the organising committee of the annual dinners. Even so, they are reluctant to disclose how much they raise each year – other than that it’s north of £20k.  Aliza says: “Every year we are surprised by how much comes in. Kisharon Langdon pulls people’s heart strings. We find that everyone who contributes is very proud to be a part of the campaign.”

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