

Kisharon Langdon’s team of volunteers are absolutely vital to ensuring the people we support can live independently and feel engaged and fulfilled. It is thanks to their dedication that we can go above and beyond, turning every day into inspiring and meaningful experiences.

Shaping your involvement

Volunteers can get involved in all aspects of Kisharon Langdon life and often enjoy using their own interests and passions to shape their involvement. Roles range from accompanying people we support on excursions; to offering yoga, baking and language classes in our Supported Living homes; to volunteering in our offices, college, library or New Chapters.

Crucially, volunteering is about friendship. Some of the people we support feel isolated and very anxious about social situations. We ‘buddy’ volunteers with someone we support for the simple pleasure of sharing an experience with them. Giving just one hour of your time will make a huge difference to someone at Kisharon Langdon’s entire day.

Join our team

We are always looking for more volunteers and will help you find a role that you enjoy and where you truly feel you are making an impact. You will receive an induction, training and ongoing support, and all we require is your enthusiasm, kindness and a small commitment of your time.

Please explore our volunteering opportunities on JVN by clicking below and filtering by Kisharon Langdon charity.